Personal Development Workshops NZ

Personal Development workshops NZ are a great way to learn how to work better in teams, how to deal with conflict, and how to boost your self-esteem and confidence. These courses are available to anyone 17 years and over. There are a variety of options available, and they are available at various locations across New Zealand.
Building Awesome Whanau

Whether you’re planning a workshop for personal development or professional development, you’ll need to consider practical details and logistics. Your workshop venue may need special equipment, and you may need to organize breakout sessions. In addition, you’ll need to coordinate catering and accommodation for attendees. First, you must determine your primary goal. What do you want to accomplish through the workshop?

If you’re planning a workshop with decision-making objectives, you should limit the number of attendees to a small number. This will avoid the chance of having people who aren’t really interested in participating. It’s also important to understand how teams make decisions. Creating a communication plan will help everyone involved in the workshop know what’s happening, as well as create excitement.
Resilience for Leaders

One of the key elements in a personal development workshop is the development of resilience. Resilience is the ability to cope with adversity and stress. It involves developing strategies and learning to live with emotions. Moreover, resilient people do not feel defeated by challenging situations; instead, they use them as an opportunity to grow.

Resilience is an essential skill for today’s leaders. It helps you become agile and can lead change. This one-day workshop will help you understand this essential trait and put it to practical use. You can take this workshop as part of a personal development programme, or for your team.

Leaders who are resilient have the ability to design their organizations with an empathetic mindset while maintaining a firm grip on the organization’s bottom line. These leaders also have the courage to take hard decisions in the interest of financial performance. They also prioritize their mission and create opportunities amidst difficult constraints. They are adept at innovation and embrace the long view.
Turning Point

Turning Point personal development workshops offer attendees an opportunity to gain clarity about their life’s purpose, set personal goals, and master new skills. The course also examines how our personal beliefs and the world we live in affect our success, and imparts powerful leadership and followership skills. The Turning Point approach has been developed over the past 30 years, and is based on research and science. Unlike many motivational seminars, this program will challenge your beliefs and help you reach your full potential.

The Turning Point Intensive is Australia’s largest personal development seminar and is the best way to start the year off right. Founder and two-time BRW Award-winning Educator Benjamin J. Harvey will teach you the principles of the Turning Point Process. Harvey is also a certified coach and a Professional Trainer.

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